Do you want to get the best house you can for the least amount of money? Then make sure you are in the strongest negotiating position possible. Price is only one bargaining chip in the negotiations, and not necessarily the most important one. Often other terms, such as the strength of the buyer or the length of escrow, are critical to a seller. In years past, I always recommended that buyers get “pre-qualified” by a lender. This means that you spend a few minutes on the phone with a lender who asks you a few questions.
So the way to make a strong offer today is to get “pre-approved”. This happens AFTER all information has been checked and verified. You are actually APPROVED for your loan and the only loose end is the appraisal on the property. This process takes anywhere from a few days to a few weeks depending on your situation. It’s VERY POWERFUL and a weapon I recommend all my clients have in their negotiating procedings.
It is only natural that you want to achieve the highest sale price possible for your property. There are a few tried and tested ways to squeeze that little extra value from your home, they simply require a little planning.
Create a great first impression and paint a mental picture for prospective buyers, you will have the best chance possible of selling your property quickly and for the best price.
This is the first part of your property the potential purchasers will see. It won't cost you too much to purchase some new soil, shrubs and ornamental features, but it could be the difference between selling your property quickly and enduring months of stress. Make sure you boost street appeal and draw those potential buyers in.
Prospective buyers won’t be able to visualise their own furniture and belongings in your home if your possessions are strewn everywhere. Create open and uncluttered living spaces, and let your prospective buyers use their imagination.
This is the time to catch up with those little jobs you've been avoiding for the past few years. You might need to replace some tile grout in the bathroom, or the rotted wood around your house may need some long overdue attention. Pay particular attention to any light fixtures, cabinets, sinks and bathrooms, and repair any chipped and damaged areas.
Incredibly, most people won't realise that you have just painted your property to make it look fresh and new. However, stick to neutral colours, as they can make spaces appear larger, and they give buyers the opportunities visualise their own decor.
Think about energy efficient replacements? However if replacements aren't an option, then make sure that all doors and windows fit and open properly and are free from cracks and damage.
A kitchen is not only a functional space; it is often the hub of family life. Make it warm and inviting, and it could secure you your asking price on its own.
Most prospective buyers will forgive an ageing bathroom, but very few will forgive a dirty one. Spend some time attending to small repairs, but more importantly, make sure everything is clean.
Particularly if your home is attracting first-time buyers, creating a home that can be moved into without major renovation, decoration or repair could give your property the edge over others in your area.
By adorning your home with borrowed or rented furniture that adds the element of luxury, you could be able to create an overall aesthetic of opulence in even the most modest of homes.
Finding the perfect real estate agent in your area is critical to your chances of selling quickly and for the best price possible. However, the choice can be a little bewildering, and there are many factors to take into consideration.
seriously consider a 'FOR SALE' SIGN...Signs sell!
Before house hunting, make a list of nine things you want in the new place. Then make a list of the nine things you don’t want. I call this “NINE OF THIS AND NONE OF THAT”. You can use this list as a scorecard to rate each property that you see. The one with the biggest score wins! This helps avoid confusion and keeps things in perspective when you’re comparing dozens of homes. When house hunting, keep in mind the difference between “SKIN AND BONES”. The BONES are things that cannot be changed such as the location, view, size of lot, noise in the area, school district, and floor plan. The SKIN represents easily changed surface finishes like carpet, wallpaper, color, and window coverings. Buy the house with good BONES, because the SKIN can always be changed to match your tastes. I always recommend that you imagine each house as if it were vacant. Consider each house on its underlying merits, not the seller’s decorating skills.
The most important thing you can do is have someone on your side looking out for your best interests. Your own agent will inspect the property with an eye towards how well it meets your needs. So whether you decide to work with me or not, pick an agent you feel comfortable with and enlist the services of that agent. Then you become a client with all the rights, benefits, and privileges created by this agency relationship, and you’re no longer just a shopper. Did you know that many homes are sold WITHOUT A SIGN ever going up or an AD EVER BEING PUT IN THE PAPER? These “great deals” go to those people who are committed to working with one agent. When an agent hears of a great buy, who do you think he’s going to call? His client, who he has a legal obligation to work hard for you, or someone who just called on the phone and said “keep your eyes open”? So to get the best buy on a property, I always recommend that you hire your own agent and stick with her/him.
So now happy buying or selling! Let the pressure be taken off your shoulders!